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Camara Argentina de Comercio y Servicios organizes the seminar "Investment and business opportunities with India"

Posted on: September 27, 2018 | Back | Print

Ambassador Shri Sanjiv Ranjan in a meeting with President of Mr. Jorge di Fiori, discussing the trade and commercial relations between India and Argentina.

Seminar on Opportunities of Investment and Trade with India organised by begins with address by President of CACS and Ambassador Shri Sanjiv Ranjan.

First Secretary Shri Maitrey Kulkarni presenting the Opportunities in Trade and Investment with India to packed house.

Mr. Alberto Porcel, expert on business with India, explaining cultural nuances of doing business with India

Chief of Staff and M&A Head of Martin Umaran discussing his experience of working in India's software sector.

Ambassador Shri Sanjiv Ranjan explaining to Argentine newspaper on how India and Argentina can deepen the bilateral economic and commercial relations.

Mr. Himanshu Panwar, Argentina and South Cone Commercial Director of Indian agrochemicals MNC sharing his experiences on working in Argentina.
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