Local Indian Contacts: Spiritual Organizations

  • Hastinapura Foundation: Oriental philosophy, courses, talks, yoga, etc.

Main Center: Riobamba 1020, Buenos Aires. Tel: 4811-9342 infocentral@hastinapura.org.ar
Institutional Relations: Prof. Gustavo Canzobre - colprofesores@hastinapura.org.ar

  • Art of Living : Conesa 1051 Tel: 4 553 0407

Cerrito 228 6⺠C Tel: 5195-0888

Courses and respiration techniques for handling stress and negative feelings 
Founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - www.elartedevivir.org

  • Ramakrishna Ashram / Tel. 4666 0098
    Gaspar Campos 1149 (1661) Bella Vista - Pcia de Buenos Aires

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